July 3, 2010
Date of offer: July 3, 2010
Mr. John Frederickson,
ABC New Street,
Some City, OH
[Sub: Offer Letter of Joining]
Dear Mr. Frederickson,
We take pleasure in offering you the position of a Research Analyst in our organization. We would require you to submit your original documents of academic achievements and any previous job experience for your review. Once we have reviewed your background we would be glad to provide you with a Letter of Employment and confirmation of your employment with us.
Please provide us with your credentials within 3 days from the receipt of this letter. Failure to do so would result in the nullification of this offer letter of joining.
Please sign your acceptance to indicate that you have accepted this offer from us. We have found you to be the most suitable for the post and look forward to working with you.
Thanks and regards,
Mr. J Simpson,
Senior Human Resource Manager
Download Letter of Intent to Hire In Word Format