Formal Thank You Letter

Name/Title Mary Roe Address 795 E Dragram City, State, Zip Code Tucson, AZ, 85705 Dear [hotel manager], Dear John, My appreciation of the exemplary service I received during my recent stay at Smith Hotel cannot be overstated. Every staff member I met was friendly, courteous and knowledgeable and professional too. Moreover, when I discovered that […]
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Formal Proposal Letter,

Name/Title Mary Roe Address 795 E Dragram City, State, Zip Code Tucson, AZ, 85705 Dear Ma’am Its our pleasure to recommend Akar Printer for printing diaries for your company. We are working with Akar from last 5 years and are very creative and innovative in there work. The company offers Office stationary, diaries, medical books, […]
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