Sympathy break up

1234, Main Street Boston, MA 02123 07 April, 2005 <Recipient Address Goes Here> Hello, I am so sorry to hear that you and <name> broke up. I’m sure this is a time of adjustment and disappointment for you. It seems that no matter what a relationship was like, it always takes some time to get […]
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Email For Leave

Writing letters can seem to be an old-fashioned method in the day of high-tech communication gadgets. However, the written word definitely yields more power than the spoken word and can always stand up to the test of time. Writing letters can be a daunting task and it can appear more so, depending on the reasons […]
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Love E-mail

Dear Jack, We have been friends for so long.  There were lots of laughs and tears between us. Distance and missing makes us realize how much we love a person and what they mean to our life.  I still remember our first meet and it was the beautiful shaped memory that I can never forget. […]
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