Rude staff complaint

1234, Main Street Boston, MA 02123 03/17/05 <Recipient Address Goes Here> Hello. <time you experienced bad service> <people receiving rude service> <description>. Unfortunately, we were treated very rudely by <employee(s)>. <description> This kind of behavior is inexcusable, and an unpleasant surprise from a company like <company name>. I would like <your suggestion>, but you do […]
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Termination Letter for Student

Mr. Jane Smith, 32- Veronica Street, Los Angeles, USA. Dear Mr. Smith, This letter is to inform you that you are being expelled from the Harvard University for your consistently poor performance in academics and also your disobedient, disgusting behavior inside and outside the class with your co students and lecturers. Many complaints have been […]
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Sample Warning #2: Bad Behavior Letter

Warning #2: Bad Behavior To:                    [NAME, ex. John Smith] From:                [YOUR NAME] Date:                [DATE, ex. July 5, 1998] Subject:            [NATURE OF BAD BEHAVIOR, ex. Customer Complaints] [NAME, ex. John], unfortunately, it has again come to my attention [STATE NATURE OF BAD BEHAVIOR, ex. that customers are complaining of rudeness on your part].  You know the […]
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