Proof of service by mail

1234, Main Street
Boston, MA 02123

06 April, 2005

<Recipient Address Goes Here>



STATE OF <state>, COUNTY OF <county>

I am <employed in/a resident of> the County of <county>, State of <state> over the age of eighteen (18) years and not a party to the within action; my <business/home> address is <insert your business or home address>.

On the date below, I served the foregoing document described as <title of document served> on the interested parties in this action by placing <a true copy/true copies> thereof enclosed in a sealed envelope, addressed as follows:

I caused such to be deposited in the United States Mail at <city, state where envelopes were mailed>. The <envelope/envelopes> <was/were> mailed with postage thereon fully prepaid.

Executed on <date this form was signed>, at <City, State>.

I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of <state> that the above is true and correct.

<name of person effecting service>


Robert Anderson

encl: <List of enclosed items goes here>

Download proof of service by mail in Word Format

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