The chairman,
Newtown municipality,
West Bengal
July 31, 2010
Subject: – Application requesting change of permanent address
Most humbly this is to let you know that last month my family and I has moved to our new house addressed ‘AC-108, Tagore pally, Dharampur, Sharma Bagan, Newtown municipality, Kolkata-101, West Bengal’ from our old house addressed ‘AB-128, Dubal pally, Dharampur, Sharma Bagan, Newtown municipality, Kolkata-101, West Bengal’.
In connection to this, I’ll like to request for a change in our permanent address in the municipality record as depending on that we can change our addresses in other documents like telephone bill, electricity bill and gas connection bill. Due to my job I have to often go out of the town and my mother is aged enough not to take any form of stress. So, it is a humble request from my side that kindly take care of the issue promptly.
Looking forward to your quick action
Prashant Agarwal
Download Change in Address Application Letter In Word Format