Employee nondisclosure agreement

EMPLOYEE NONDISCLOSURE AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT is made on the <Day> day of <Month>, <Year> between <Name of Employer>, <of> <Full Address of Employer> (“Employer”) and <Name of Employee>, of <Full Address of Employee> (“Employee”). Employee hereby acknowledges that <he/she> may in the course of employment come in contact with or have disclosed to <him/her> technical […]
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Sample Employee Reference Letter

Anna Smith, 12th East Avenue, East London, England. Dear Anna, This is a reference letter written with authorization from Martin Green who is our former employee. Mr. Green has applied for the position of accountant in your organization.  The information in this letter should be treated with utmost confidentiality. Only those in your organization who […]
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Sample Employment Agreement In Letter Format (Long Form) Letter

Employment Agreement In Letter Format (Long Form) [DATE, ex. Wednesday, June 11, 1998] [NAME, COMPANY AND ADDRESS OF EMPLOYEE, ex. John Smith XYZ Inc. 1234 First Street Suite 567 Anycity, Anystate  85245] Dear [NAME OF EMPLOYEE, ex. John Smith], Re: Employment Agreement We are pleased that you have accepted employment with [NAME OF EMPLOYER] (the […]
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