Employee nondisclosure agreement


This AGREEMENT is made on the <Day> day of <Month>, <Year> between <Name of Employer>, <of> <Full Address of Employer> (“Employer”) and <Name of Employee>, of <Full Address of Employee> (“Employee”).

Employee hereby acknowledges that <he/she> may in the course of employment come in contact with or have disclosed to <him/her> technical and business information that is considered to be confidential or a trade secret of Employer.

Employee hereby agrees not to divulge any confidential or trade secret information of Employer to anyone without the consent of Employer both during and after the tenure of employment.

Employee further agrees that upon termination of employment, whether voluntary or involuntary, to return all originals, copies and notes relating to the confidential or trade secret information in Employee’s possession or control to Employer.

In any action or suit to enforce any right or remedy under this Agreement or to interpret any provision of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its costs, including reasonable attorney’s fees.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement.

<Name of Employee>

<Name of Employer>

Download employee nondisclosure agreement in Word Format

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