lemon letter final letter

1234, Main Street
Boston, MA 02123

01 April, 2005

<Recipient Address Goes Here>


<dates of other letters> I sent you letters regarding my thorough unhappiness with the <vehicle name, year, etc.> I purchased from your dealership <date of purchase>. It has now been <time since first letter> since I first communicated that I was having constant problems with a vehicle that should be in perfect driving condition. To date, I have received no reply from anyone at <name>.

It is clear now that having made your sale, you are hoping I will simply tire of writing letters and go away. That will not happen. I paid <$price> for a car on the assumption that it was in perfect condition, and that any problems that appeared would be handled promptly by <name>. That has not been the case, and your silence on this issue has forced me to take other action.

If I do not hear from you by <date you want to hear>, I will be contacting <who you’ll contact>. You have left me no choice.


Robert Anderson

encl: <List of enclosed items goes here>

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