Agreement on Consulting Services

1. WebSeig Consulting (hereafter called Contractor) agrees to give the following products and services to Yell Media Works (hereafter called Client): A. Information gathering: Contractor can review the relevant information compiled by the Client: 1. information on the records of attendance of previous events 2. samples of the past promotional pieces or timely press coverage […]
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Sample Sales Follow-Up: Introduce Training Services Letter

Sales Follow-Up: Introduce Training Services [DATE, ex. Wednesday, June 11, 1998] [NAME, COMPANY AND ADDRESS, ex. John Smith 1234 First Street Suite 567 Anycity, Anystate  85245] Dear [NAME, ex. John Smith], I’m writing to thank you for [PRODUCT, ex. purchasing our Knowledge Plus+ Managerial Information System].  I’m confident that you are pleased with [BENEFIT(S) OF […]
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