Promotion Recommendation Letter

Mr. Amit Mittal,

Executive Director,

Head Office,

Matrix Solutions,

New Delhi.

Dear Mr. Mittal,

I would like to take the opportunity to offer an official recommendation for Mr. Aditya Rao as the senior executive of Matrix Solutions Hyderabad branch. I have known Aditya for past three years and I feel that he is a deserving candidate for the post of Project Manager.

Aditya joined our company as a junior assistant tech support; with his immense knowledge over the subject and skilled abilities in his work, he gained the position of a Senior Engineer in the team. Later after demonstrating strong dedication and incredible initiative, he was promoted as a team leader. He has been proving his mettle with every stepping stone he overleaf with his excellent leadership qualities. He has been an enthusiastic, inspiring and motivating leader.

I believe that Aditya has many abilities and qualities which are required for the position of a project manager. I highly recommend Aditya Rao for the responsible post of a project manager and hope that you will carefully consider this letter of promotion.



Senior Executive Officer.

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