Birthday Letter Example

June 2, 2012
Name/Title Mary Roe
Address 795 E Dragram
City, State, Zip Code Tucson, AZ, 85705

Dear Aaron,

Wishing you many happy returns of the day my dear daughter, I am happy that you have turned 18this birthday. I know how special this birthday is for you. You are big kid now. I still remember the day when you were born and were in my harms I still get the jitters on my hand thinking of the moment.

But this birthday I am sorry I am not with you this birthday and had to leave without informing you. I was not able to meet you as I knew you would be sad. But to make up for everything I have kept all amazing gift in your room.

Once I am back we are going to celebrate your birthday with your friends in your favorite restaurant.  Till the time you can make list of gifts that you want. I hope you will enjoy your day.

Your mom,

Sharon Smith

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