Scholarship Application letter

Avante Norman Dean of London School of Arts 6th Avenue Art Street 3rd block London Subject: Scholarship application for major in modern arts. Dear Mr Norman, Your prestigious college has always promoted art enthusiast in some way or the other. Recently, I came across this news article that talked about the hundreds of scholarship given […]
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Sample Job Prospecting Letter to Human Resources Department with Referral Letter

Job Prospecting Letter to Human Resources Department with Referral [DATE, ex. Wednesday, June 11, 1998] [NAME, COMPANY AND ADDRESS, ex. John Smith XYZ Inc. 1234 First Street Suite 567 Anycity, Anystate  85245] Dear [NAME, ex. John Smith], I am writing you after hearing from [REFERRAL NAME, ex. Mr. Dick Johnson] that [STATE NATURE OF REFERRAL, […]
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