Resume Cover Letter Format

The HR Manager [Or your addressee]

[Mention the Designation]

[Give the address in details over here]



Dear Mr. Name/Surname,

The first paragraph should inform the reader about the purpose of your cover letter. Mention why you are sending the CV and for which post you are applying. Give any reference to prior conversation with the HR Manager or any recommendation on the basis of which you are sending the resume to him or her.

In the second paragraph give a glimpse of your educational and professional qualifications. You can talk about your intention of joining the organization and why you think you are the right candidate for the job. Mention that your CV has the facts and details that the reader is looking forward to.

This is the sign off paragraph wherein you mention that you expect to see the addressee very soon and would be awaiting a response.

Yours Sincerely,

[Your Sign here]

Your Full Name

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