Romantic Letter to Boyfriend

My love,

I will forever cherish all the moments we spend together,

treating each day as if it’s our last on earth.

No matter the time of day or night, I will always be there for you.

No matter the distance, you can always count on me.

Let’s take the journey of life together,

till our time on earth comes to an end.

When we first met, I was unsure about where the journey would lead us to but we cautiously started to know each other.

I thank God for bringing you into my life, as I truly believe if we had never met I would have missed the best thing in my life.

You bring me joy and sunshine even when the world seems sad and gloomy.

To me, you are my everything, my world and my dreams come true. I cherish all our times together, both good and bad, for every argument has brought us closer together.

I have grown stronger and become a better person because of you.


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