Sales contract

This Agreement is made on the <Day> day of <Month>, <Year> between <Name of buyer>, <of> <Full Address of Buyer> (“Buyer”) and <Name of Seller>, <of> <Full Address of Seller> (“Seller”).

Seller hereby agrees to sell and deliver <delivery terms> to Buyer, on or before <delivery deadline>, the following:

<Description of Goods.>

Buyer agrees to purchase the goods and make payment in the amount of <amount> <payment terms>.

Goods shall be deemed received by Buyer <delivery requirements>.

Until such time as said goods have been received by Buyer, all risk of loss from any casualty to said goods shall be on Seller.

Seller warrants that the goods are now free from any security interest or other lien or encumbrance, that they shall be free from same at the time of delivery, and that he neither knows nor has reason to know of any outstanding title or claim of title hostile to his rights in the goods.

Buyer has the right to examine the goods on arrival and has <inspection time> to notify Seller of any claim for damages on account of the condition, grade or quality of the goods. Said notice must specifically set forth the basis of the claim. Failure to either give notice to Seller within the stipulated period of time or to set forth specifically the basis of the claim will constitute acceptance of the goods.

In any action or suit to enforce any right or remedy under this Agreement or to interpret any provision of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its costs, including reasonable attorney’s fees.

_____________________________________ Date: _______________
<Buyer Signature>

_____________________________________ Date: _______________
<Seller Signature>

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