Sample Apology for Error on Our Statement: Response to Letter from Customer Letter

Apology for Error on Our Statement: Response to Letter from Customer

[DATE, ex. Wednesday, June 11, 1998]


John Smith

XYZ Inc.

1234 First Street

Suite 567

Anycity, Anystate  85245]

Dear [NAME, ex. John Smith],

Thank you for your letter of [DATE, ex. June 10]; you are absolutely correct and we owe you an explanation for our error.

[GIVE EXPLANATION, ex. Indeed, your payment was received in a timely manner.  However, our data entry personnel made an error when keying the date of receipt.]  [STATE WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO ACCOUNT AND STATE NEW BALANCE, ex. Your account has been credited $52.20, leaving a balance of $1,023.43 due.]

Please accept my apologies.  We will take every effort to ensure that such error does not recur.


[YOUR NAME, ex. Jill Jones]

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